[FWM News] Spam warning

Far West Masters news news at lists.farwestmasters.org
Thu Nov 14 08:55:06 PST 2013

I've just learned that a spam message with a dangerous attachment leaked through to our news 
mailing list on Tuesday.

The message subject came through as "[FWM News] [***SPAM 8.6 ***] Important - New Outlook Settings" 
and had an attachment that you were told to open with a password that was provided in the email.

NO!!!!!!  This is a classic spam message telling you to open an attached document or file; the 
message in this case is fairly literate, but still very generic and a bit vague about what you're 
being asked to do, which should always be a warning flag.  (this particular spam has been flooding 
through all my mail addresses for days).

In general, be very suspicious of any message telling you to open a attachment or follow a link to 
your account with the purported sender. 

I apologize for this nasty message getting out on our news list - this should NEVER happen and I'm 
investigating some additional steps I can take to install tighter controls on the mailing list 
manager to prevent any recurrence.  The dangerous attachment has been destroyed in the list 
archive.  If you received a copy of this message and it got through your own spam filters, please 
destroy immediately.

If Far West Masters ever has any instructions about your computer settings or documents to 
distribute to our members, these will be posted on the farwestmasters.org web site so that there is 
clearly a reliable source; we will *not* send email attachments out on the news list, with the 
possibly exception of safe formats such as a PDF document.  

~ Deb

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Deb Lewis
Director of Race Services and Scoring; Webmaster
Far West Masters
mailto:dlewis at farwestmasters.org

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