[FWM News] Alpine Slaloms at Squaw

Far West Masters news news at lists.farwestmasters.org
Wed Dec 16 11:52:35 PST 2015


The slalom races scheduled for this coming weekend are being moved to Squaw Valley.  As many of your know, the gearbox on the Kangaroo lift at Alpine Meadows decided to dramatically announce the end of its life on Sunday the 6th.  A few of us went to Alpine yesterday to ski across the possible access to Kangaroo from the Roundhouse lift and decided that it was not a good idea to try and use that route.  After consultation with the Race Director at Alpine and Event Services for Squaw Alpine we decided to move the races to Exhibition at Squaw.  That will have its own difficulties, but it's a better alternative.  I am grateful to Squaw/Alpine race departments and events services for their flexibility and cooperation in making it possible for us to have the races.  There should be an event announcement from Squaw Valley with more details shortly.

The skiing here is great, with a little more snow expected in the next few days. We should have a good weekend of slalom racing.


Daniel L. Simmons
Far West Masters Ski Racing
14790 Slalom
Truckee, CA  96161

Tel:  530 587-4864

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